Constitutional Rights

2nd -"... to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

5th- "...RIGHT TO LIFE, Liberty, or Property, without due process of law..."

6th - "... Right to a speedy and public trial and an impartial jury. "(innocent until proven guilty)

8th - "... nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted..."

14th - "... nor shall any State deprive any person of LIFE, liberty, or property, without DUE PROCESS..."


The actions of the officer are UNCONSTITUIONAL, he denied Aug his 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Ammendment Rights.  

2nd - "to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

5th- "...RIGHT TO LIFE, Liberty, or Property, without due process of law..."

6th - "... Right to a speedy and public trial and an impartial jury. (innocent until proven guily)..."

8th - "... nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted..."

14th - "... nor shall any State deprive any person of LIFE, liberty, or property, without DUE PROCESS..."

The officer violated the 8th Ammendment since Aug was not protected agaisnt cruel and unusual punishment. If being shot in the back without warning, is not consider cruel and unusual, I don't know what is. I don't know what is more cruel than being shot in the back.    

Augustine did not deserve to die for holding a gun. Which is our 2nd Amendment Right! 

We will fight for Justice. 

We will fight for ohers that have been denied their rights. 

Please do not send hate mail. If you cannot support this family during the most traumatic time of their lives, please leave this site. Thank you to all of those who have supported us in the past, future and present. 

-The Morales Family.